Weekly Wrap Up 6/28/24

Happy Friday, my friends. If you’ve noticed (though it isn’t likely) I have been kinda quiet on the Weekly Wrap Up front as Summer kicks off. Truthfully, they became something I dreaded writing each week. I changed up for the format this Winter, using the Weekly R.E.P.O.R.T. set up I’d seen popularized online. I thought it would work for me to mix things up, find some new inspiration for this weekly post, and it did. For a while.

But in the last month, I have no found joy in crafting those posts. It has lead me to staring at the screen for hours and feeling like I didn’t do anything important or special that week. I am someone who thrives in a routine, therefore my days and weeks often times look the same. When you’re sharing your life on the Internet, sometimes it can you lead you to feeling boring.

But I am not boring, I am generally pretty content with life and I like my routine and expectations for the day. So, maybe it’s boring, maybe it’s expected, but I decided to return to the former format for the Weekly Wrap Up, at least for a little while.

What I Read:

Here We Go Again // The Starter Ex // Swan Song // Every Summer After

Weekend Reading Plans:

Heiress Takes All // Sandwich // A Happier Life

Purchases of the Week:

Lobster Tee // Athletic Skirt // Leaves Glass // Squirrel Glass

Listening & Watching:

Bridgerton Season 3 // Grey’s Anatomy Season 11

Weekend Plans:

It’s a busy, busy weekend for us as we head to Massachusetts to celebrate my nephew’s first birthday party and then we need to scoot right back home for one of my best friends (and bridesmaid’s! ) bridal showers. I love love love Summer, but the weekends sure do get quite packed and very quickly.

So, that’s it for the week. I’m not sure if I’ll keep up with these or get rid of the Weekly Wrap Ups entirely, but for today, this felt right. I hope you have a great weekend!