Review: Triple Sec by TJ Alexander

Thank you Atria Books for my copy! All thoughts are my own.

I think I have become a professional TJ Alexander fan girl and I’m proud. Ever since this ARC arrived, I was saving it for the perfect time to read it because I knew I wouldn’t be able to out it down. I’m so glad I saved it but I’m also so sad it’s over! I have read “why choose” romances before but never a poly rom com so i wasn’t sure what to expect but TJ does everything with such care and wonder. I love the way TJ writes dialogue and the queer joy that leaps off the pages of their books. This one definitely felt the most lighthearted and aspirational, especially when it came to the healthy communication between the characters. If you’re looking for a joyful, steamy read this summer that doesn’t scream “beach read” but is still frothy and fun, this is the perfect book.


“As a bartender at Terror & Virtue, a swanky New York City cocktail lounge known for its romantic atmosphere and Insta-worthy drinks, Mel has witnessed plenty of disastrous dates. That, coupled with her own romantic life being in shambles, has Mel convinced love doesn’t exist.

Everything changes when Bebe walks into the bar. She’s beautiful, funny, knows her whiskeys—and is happily married to her partner, Kade. Mel’s resigned to forget the whole thing, but Bebe makes her a unique offer: since she and Kade have an open marriage, she’s interested in taking Mel on a date.

What starts as a fun romp turns into a burgeoning relationship, and soon Mel is trying all sorts of things she’d been avoiding, from grand romantic gestures to steamy exploits. Mel even gets the self-confidence to enter a cocktail competition that would make her dream of opening her own bar a reality. In the chaotic whirl of all these new experiences, Mel realizes there might be a spark between her and Kade, too. As Bebe, Kade, and Mel explore their connections, Mel begins to think that real love might be more expansive than she ever thought possible.

With TJ Alexander’s signature “witty and insightful voice, complex characters, and full-throated celebration of the joy of queer community” (Ava Wilder, author of How to Fake It in Hollywood), Triple Sec is a passionate, thirst-quenching love story that will have you asking for another round…or three.” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

  1. The Characters—I loved all the characters. I wish I was as confident and bright as Bebe. I loved Kade’s stoicism but I really loved how all the characters communicated and weren’t afraid to communicate. It was truly delightful to see such healthy adult conversations happening in a romance, where you’re always waiting for the third act break up.

  2. The Dialogue—TJ Alexander is so funny. SO FUNNY. I love the dialogue in their books.

  3. The Snowed In Trope—I wasn’t ready for it and it delighted me endlessly. An utterly fantastic use of it!

What Didn’t Work for Me:

  1. Just Wanted More of the Competition—I feel like I kept losing the B plot, which was Mel competing in a competition for a hot new cocktail to take over NYC. I think that needed a little more exploration, especially cause it provided a source of conflict.

Character Authenticity: 5/5 Spice Rating: 2.5/5 (Open Door) Overall Rating: 4.75/5

Content Warnings:

divorce, ableism, transphobia, homophobia