Books Perfect for Valentine's Day

I think this was the first year that I couldn’t believe Valentine’s Day decorations were up so early. Now, I love Valentine’s Day but I saw some up before Christmas. Maybe it’s hypocritical of me because I love when Christmas decor goes up early in stores, but I was shocked to say the least.

However, I do love Valentine’s Day. I think it’s nice to have an excuse to indulge in a nice dinner, small thoughtful gifts, and a nice card in the middle of Winter. Plus, as a Romance reader, I love to celebrate love stories! So let’s celebrate love in all forms and send a little love to our reading pals.


The Valentine’s Hate // This Spells Love // Love and Other Words // Boyfriend Material // Be Mine in Valentine // Fake It Til You Bake It // Check and Mate // Mrs. Nash’s Ashes //