Weekly Wrap Up 9/29/23

I can’t believe it’s the last week of September but I also feel like this month went by at the perfect pace. Work has been picking up and my sleep schedule is off because I’ve been reading so much, but it feels good to be in high spirits. I love the Fall and I’ve even felt myself start to get a little excited for the holiday season.

One thing I’ve been struggling to get into a good schedule with is cooking. But this week, I finally figured it out and I’m loving being back in the kitchen. While I love takeout for a special occasion, I’m really trying to kick my Door Dash habit. I made chili, our favorite Chicken Pot Pie Pasta and perfected my easy meatloaf recipe.

And I read four books! I enjoyed Cleat Cute, but i felt like the characters lacked chemistry. Thieves Gambit was so fast paced and my goodness, the cliffhanger! I wasn’t prepared. I had the best time reading Faking Christmas and you need to add it to your holiday TBRs. And the most surprising book of the week was Fair Rosaline! It wrecked me and angered me, in the best way.

What I Read:

Cleat Cute // Theives Gambit // Faking Christmas // Fair Rosaline

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

We are attending a baby shower and then have big plans to get our garage cleaned out. Maybe I’ll finally decorate for Fall too. Hope you all have a great weekend!