Review: Wildfire by Hannah Grace

Thank you Atria Books for my copy of Wildfire! All thoughts are my own.

In the midst of a massive reading slump last year, I picked up Icebreaker by Hannah Grace and LOVED IT. It was everything I needed at that time and though it was nearly 500 pages, I flew through it in a day and a half. So, I had very high expectations for Wildfire. And I liked it, I did. But it didn’t have the same kind of magic I felt like Icebreaker did. I really missed the hockey house!


Maple Hills students Russ Callaghan and Aurora Roberts cross paths at a party celebrating the end of the academic year, where a drinking game results in them having a passionate one-night stand. Never one to overstay her welcome (or expect much from a man), Aurora slips away before Russ even has the chance to ask for her full name.

Imagine their surprise when they bump into each other on the first day of the summer camp where they are both counselors, hoping to escape their complicated home lives by spending the summer working. Russ hopes if he gets far enough away from Maple Hills, he can avoid dealing with the repercussions of his father’s gambling addiction, while Aurora is tired of craving attention from everyone around her, and wants to go back to the last place she truly felt at home.

Russ knows breaking the camp’s strict “no staff fraternizing” rule will have him heading back to Maple Hills before the summer is over, but unfortunately for him, Aurora has never been very good at caring about the rules. Will the two learn to peacefully coexist? Or did their one night together start a fire they can’t put out?” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

  1. The Camp Setting—I’m glad I was able to read this over the Summer because the camp setting was totally fun! I missed being at Maple Hills, but I did enjoy this look at a new setting.

  2. Russell’s Character—Russell was so sweet and quiet, not quite broody but totally adorable. I loved what he had to go through as a character and how he expressed himself to Aurora.

  3. Ryan! When is Ryan Getting his HEA?—Can we please get this man his happily ever after? I loved seeing him for just a moment at the beginning of the book but I want more for him!!!

What Didn’t Work for Me:

  1. Middle of the Book’s Pacing—The book started off so strong and I was fully invested and then things kind of took a slog. Maybe it’s the “one night stand” strop that got me because I felt like the vibes totally stalled out.

  2. Didn’t Feel the Connection—Which ultimately left me feeling kind of indifferent to the characters getting together.

  3. Missed being at Maple Hills—I loved Icebreaker so much, and maybe that’s my fault for having such high expectations, but I missed the dynamics of the hockey house.

Character Authenticity: 3/5 Spice Rating: 3/5 Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Content Warnings:

emotional abuse, addiction, strained parent/child relationship