August Bucket List

Oh August, the magical moments of August. I have a love hate relationship with this month. I love it because it feels like everything really, truly slows down before Back to School season begins. But it also signals the end of Summer, the season that moves the fastest. While I love Fall and fully embraces once it arrives, there’s just something about August that I love and I’m never ready to let go of.

So this August, my intention is to enjoy every moment and really make the most of the month.

  1. Pre-Fall Closet Clean Out

    I’ve written a lot about feeling overwhelmed by clutter. I do a closet clean out once a year and go through the things that I really haven’t been wearing. It makes maintaining a tidy space so much easier and always leaves me feeling a little lighter as well.

  2. Enjoy Vacation

    I’ve been writing about needing a vacation for what feels like forever, so I am going to fully embrace it and I can’t wait.

  3. Read a Book in a Day

    My favorite goal for each month and one that I feel like has gotten harder and harder to do!

  4. Strip Towels

    This is a little niche BUT I learned about it from my friend Cassidy and now I am CRAVING doing it to our towels and work out clothes. I’ll share the “recipe” and benefits of it!

  5. Plan a Winter Trip

    Last year this was a goal of mine and then I ended up booking a show that made it impossible to travel. But this Winter, I NEED sunshine. I’m thinking a couple days in Charleston will be the ticket!

  6. Visit Boston

    I have a new nephew that was born and I can’t wait to meet him! I also haven’t been to Boston since 2019 so I’m hoping to visit Beacon HIll Books and Cafe. It looks so lovely online so I can’t wait to see it in person.

  7. Clear my NetGalley Shelf

    This is a challenge I have for myself that I really want to accomplish.

  8. Edit Project H

    This is one of my writing projects that I wrote during NaNoWriMo 2022. I want to edit it and start on the second draft.

  9. Get Two Months Ahead on Blog Posts

    I love having these done ahead of time and I’m normally at least a month ahead, but the holiday season gets so busy I like to be as ahead as possible.

  10. Attend Steamy Lit in LA!

    I’m so excited for this trip! Ashley and I are both going and I think it will be ton of a fun and a great way to send off Summer. If you’re going, let us know!