Where to Shop: Needlepoint

One of my goals for this Summer and the second half of the year was to pick up another true hobby. Golf and tennis have become some of my favorite activities, but unfortunately, they’re tough to do year round in good old Western New York. I learned how to needlepoint in high school (thanks Grace!) but I haven’t kept up with it. It used to be my favorite backstage activity but then I got my Kindle. Which I love! But sometimes it’s nice to have something to do with my hands.

So, I got back into needlepointing! One of my goals is to start making some stockings but they are BIG projects. It’s also tough to find the perfect prints! I want to make one for Nick and one for myself that don’t necessarily match, but are similar enough that they look like they go together.

I’ve rounded up the needlepoint shops that were recommended to me!

KC Needlepoint

SBT Stitches

Stitch By Stitch

123 Stitch

Penny Linn Designs

Lycette Designs

Labors of Love Needlepoint

The Point of it All

Third Coast Stitches

I also found some sweet options on Etsy, which tend to be a little more affordable, but it is an expensive hobby. The good thing is that the larger projects take a significant amount of time anyway and they are family heirlooms. I have a needlepoint stocking I’ve had since I was a child and I can’t decide if I want to base our family’s on that one or make a new one. Mine doesn’t have my name on it and that’s one thing I’ve always wanted!

Nutcrackers // Ski Slopes // Santa’s Flight // Holiday Dreams // Lighthouse // City Scape //

I’d love any additional recommendations! Ideally, I’d like hand painted canvases if possible. Let me know your favorite places to shop online!