Review: Summer Reading by Jenn McKinlay

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group for my copy of Summer Reading! All thoughts are my own.

In my reading life, I’m always looking for books to take me places. I was so excited to see this book in my inbox, because it’s set in Martha’s Vineyard! So often, Nantucket and Maine are the stars of New England literary Summer, so i was excited to go somewhere new.

I was ready to love this book. And I really love what the author wanted to accomplish, with the dyslexia representation. But ultimately, this book did not work for me at all. Which pains me! Writing a book is hard work and ever since I started operating in the book review space, I’ve always been conscious of how to use my critical thinking skill to review with compassion. But the only word I can think of for this book is mediocre.

I rarely leave reviews like this, but since I received the ARC I am doing my normal structure. And as a reminder, just cause it didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean it won’t work for you! It almost had a Hallmarky feel to it? But not in the cheesy way, in the lack of depth way. I am so so so sad this didn’t work for me.


For Samantha Gale, a summer on Martha’s Vineyard at her family’s tiny cottage was supposed to be about resurrecting her career as a chef, until she’s tasked with chaperoning her half-brother, Tyler. The teenage brainiac is spending his summer at the local library in a robotics competition, and there’s no place Sam, who has dyslexia, likes less than the library. And because the universe hates her, the library’s interim director turns out to be the hot-reader guy whose book she accidentally destroyed on the ferry ride to the island.

Bennett Reynolds is on a quest to find his father, whose identity he’s never known. He’s taken the temporary job on the island to research the summer his mother spent there when she got pregnant with him. Ben tells himself he isn't interested in a relationship right now. Yet as soon as Sam knocks his book into the ocean, he can’t stop thinking about her.

An irresistible attraction blossoms when Ben inspires Sam to create the cookbook she’s always dreamed about and she jumps all in on helping him find his father, and soon they realize their summer fling may heat up into a happily ever after.” —

What I Liked:

  1. The Setting—But I wanted more. I didn’t feel like this had a very strong sense of place.

  2. The Dyslexia Representation—Reading isn’t for everyone and I struggled as a kid. Now, I can’t imagine my life without it but I know for so many, words pose a challenge. I loved the use of audiobooks!

  3. The Food Culture—I loved the Portuguese food culture in this book!

What Didn’t Work:

  1. The Dialogue—Nothing sounded natural coming out of these characters’ mouths.

  2. The B Plot—I didn’t get it! I didn’t feel invested in any of the characters’ journeys because they felt so one dimensional. Not even 2 dimensional! There was no heartbeat in this book.

  3. The Romance—I couldn’t buy it at all and things happened so fast and then cooled off but the sex scenes were pretty long? I don’t know. It just didn’t work for me.

  4. The Length/Pacing—It was WAY too long and I don’t think the B plot (Ben’s whole thing with his father) was the right move.

Character Authenticity: 1/5 Spice Rating: 2/5 Overall Rating: 2.75/5

Content Warnings:

bullying, ableist language (regarding a learning disability), loss of a parent