My Summer Bucket List

Every month, I write a bucket list for the things I want to focus on and accomplish. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found the time moves so quickly and I am falling behind on the goals I’ve set for myself and I feel like I’m not making the most of my free time. So much of life happens on my phone and computer, and while I love social media, I definitely feel like I lose hours in it.

Ever since we moved to Western, New York, I’ve learned to cherish Summer in an entirely new way. Winter last so.long. here and while I love cozy days as home, I thrive with the sunshine and being outside. I love to hike, read outside, swim, spend time at the beach and pool, and travel. Plus, I have a lot of writing goals I want to accomplish this Summer as well. So, I wanted to put together a bucket list for the whole season, which I’ll hopefully break down each month!

  1. Play Tennis Weekly

    My friend and I have been talking about playing tennis when it warms up for years and this Summer, we’re going to make it a regular thing! We have some courts at a community center near us and I look forward to using it.

  2. Finish Current Writing Project

    I feel the most creative in Summer. While I still have to work, I definitely fall into the mindset of feeling like I have infinite time like when I was a kid. The Spring was packed, so Summer will be my writing time.

  3. Beach Days

    We only made it to the beach once last Summer and I plan to change that this year!

  4. Make S’mores

    My favorite treat! We have a solo stove since we’re still in an apartment and it’s perfect for cozy nights on our patio!

  5. Schedule a Week Long Vacation

    I need a real vacation. Somewhere warm and new where I can just lay in the sun (with protection) and read.

  6. Solidify Early Morning Routine

    This perfect time to get into a routine is the Summer! The sun rises earlier, the mornings aren’t freezing, and I feel extra motivated thanks to a regular dose of Vitamin D.

  7. Unhaul Unread Books

    This has been a goal for a while and the Summer is the perfect time to finally make it happen. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by “stuff” for quite a while and I think it’s time to say goodbye to some of the books that can go to a better home.

  8. Organize Storage Closet

    See above.

  9. Enjoy a Writing Retreat

    Something my friend and I have been planning for quite some time!

  10. Make a Summer Playlist

    I listen to audiobooks pretty exclusively but I’ve been missing music.

  11. Set My OOO for a Vacation

    I’m kind of the worst at taking time off since I freelance, so I rarely set my Out of Office email but as most frequent readers of The Weekly Wrap Up and The Bookmark will know, I am burnt out.

  12. Journal Every Day

    I have journaled since I was a kid but this year, I really let it fall to the wayside. I tend to avoid my journal when I need it most. This year has been full of strong emotions that I’ve been afraid to confront, which is why I’ve avoided my journal. Time to break it back out!

  13. Make Our Wedding Album

    I haven’t gotten around to this and it hit me the other day how important it is to me to have a physical album of our wedding photos. Going to make it happen this Summer!

  14. Visit the Farmers’ Market

    We love to take Beasley on Saturday mornings for a coffee walk and visit our local farmer’s market! Last year we didn’t have as many free weekends but hoping that changes this year!

  15. Plan a Picnic

    Something we haven’t done in YEARS but that I want to do again!

    What’s on your Summer bucket list? Do you think writing things out helps make the season slow down or go by faster?