July Bucket List

The long, hot days of July feel like endless Summer, when the chill of Fall and darkness of Winter still feel so far off. July is also when it gets HOT around here. I don’t actually enjoy air conditioning, though I’m incredibly grateful to have it, but the sticky heat isn’t all that pleasant either. I spend as much time as I can by the water!

As always, my goal with these monthly bucket lists are to remind myself to take each day as it comes and enjoy it. I tend to look pretty far ahead and that can make the every day feel overwhelming. I like to slow down when I can!

  1. Read a Book in One Sitting

    You know I make this goal every month! It just feels good to finish a book in a day, to be so pulled into a story you can’t stop reading it!

  2. Adapt My Morning + Evening Routines

    My morning routine went out the window when we brought Beasley home last Summer. And over the Winter, my evening routine did too. July is the month I conquer my scrolling habits and get my routines healthy and thriving.

  3. Read a Book in One Sitting

  4. Work from a Coffee Shop

    I still haven’t felt comfortable spending long hours in a public place, but now that it is warm, I’ve been spending more time at coffee shops outside. I love it. While I love working from home, getting a change of scenery and an iced coffee is so motivating.

    5. Go Out for Ice Cream

    My favorite part of summer is a twist with rainbow sprinkles. We have an old fashioned drive in place near us and the frozen custard is top notch.

    6. Host/Attend a BBQ

    I love to host but in the summertime, I just want to be outside in a beautiful backyard. We don’t have our own backyard yet but I still hope we can have some friends over safely!

    7. Read 3 Prompts from #CampOutWithABook

    If you’re participating in the #CampOutWithABook Summer Reading Challenge, how’s it going? I’m planning on reading books from 3 of the prompts this month!

    8. Plan a Writing Retreat with Amber

    Amber and I have been talking about doing this for a year at this point and it’s time that we finally book it. Somewhere beautiful and comfortable…and maybe with a winery nearby. Amber, it’s time.

    9. Play Tennis

    Last Summer my best friend and I wanted to get back into playing tennis and we never got around to it. This Summer, I want to change that and play at least one time!

    10. Unhaul Books

    I have a lot of books. And sadly, a lot of them I know I’m not going to read. It’s time to declutter and send them to new homes.

    Where’s your focus this month?