No Buy July 2022

Last Summer, I did my first No Buy July. It was a month dedicated to avoiding unnecessary spending and reducing the amount of clutter I have in my space. I loved it so much I did a No Buy January! We are so blessed to have what we do and while shopping and spending can be fun, like most things in life, I feel like I get into a bad habit with it. It’s nice to set a goal to remind myself to think before I spend, “Do I really need this? Or do I just want it?” Wanting something is very valid and we have so few joys in the world right now, I get the urge to treat yourself.

But it can lead to excess and I always reach a point where I turn around and feel like there’s just too much. It’s certainly a privilege I don’t take lightly.

So, once again, I’ll be embarking on a No Buy July! I won’t be purchasing any new books (I’ve been doing this since May), new clothes, or ordering take out. We can go out to dinner but if we’re staying home, we’ll be cooking. I’m also going to cut out iced coffee runs. The only exception is if I’m going to a local coffee shop to get work done, which I love to do in the Summer.

What I’m Going to Focus On:

  1. Using My Library—If I LOVE a book I read on ebook via Overdrive or that I borrow from the library, when the month is up I can purchase a copy. I love a good bookstore bender, but I have way too many unread books right now.

  2. Unhaul Unread Books—A book sale will be coming!

  3. Shop My Closet—I am the worst at getting rid of unworn clothing. I always find some way to justify keeping it but then it will hang there, unworn, when it can go to someone else who will get better use out it. This will be a fantastic time to pair down my closet as well.

  4. Keep Track of Where I Scroll—It’s so easy to save things to a wishlist these days but I want to start being more mindful of where my money goes. While I do know it’s valid to have different budgets, I’m more likely to purchase something that is less expensive than something I really want that is pricier.

  5. Keep Track of When I Scroll—Am I bored? Am I sad? Am I looking for something to fill a void when I’m anxious or playing the comparison game? All important things to note! Who is influencing these purchases?

If you’re interested in also joining me, I hope we can hold each other accountable!