2022 Intention + Goals Check In

Every year, I feel like I “wake up” in the Summer. January-March are really hard for me, especially since we’ve moved. The sun rarely comes out, it snows more days than not, it’s quite cold, and I never want to leave my cozy home. But then the first sunny and warm days of April begin to creep in and suddenly, I feel myself coming back to life.

Then May comes, teasing Summer, and I feel a fire ignite in me again. And once June takes over, suddenly I realize how much time has passed. I’m trying not to view this as “wasted time” but rather necessary time to rest. But I also am curious if, going into the long winter months next year, there is a way to combat it.

Do I push myself too hard September-December? Why do I begin every January feeling so burnt out? How can I motivate myself in the colder months, while still respecting my body’s need for rest? Am I giving myself realistic goals while also challenging myself?

So let’s check in my 2022 Goals + Intentions


  1. Declutter My Space—I haven’t cleaned out my closet yet like I keep intending to. I think I will try to do one clothing category at a time. Dresses/Hanging Clothes, Sweatshirts, Leggings, PJ’s, T-Shirts, Shoes, etc. That might make it more manageable! And I need to do the same with my office.

  2. Journal Every Day—I’ve been pretty good about this, except for weekends! I love it

  3. Put Myself Out There in the Theatre Community—Probably the thing I’ve been most successful with. We are so lucky to have a thriving professional acting community where we live and I’ve made some fantastic friends and connections.


  1. Finish Project L + N—I did finish draft 1! But we’ve completely changed the concept so…draft 2 has not been started yet.

  2. Finish Project ADK—It took four drafts, but I finally figured it out.

  3. Query Literary Agents—Not yet, but I didn’t slate to start this process until September 1, 2022 anyway!


  1. Read 52 Books—Check! The easiest goal of the year.

  2. Use My Library—Double check! It took until my Summer Long Spending Freeze but I did it.

  3. Unhaul Books I Won’t Read—This has to be part of my room by room/category of declutter. Gonna save it for a rainy weekend!

All in all, I’m grateful for the time and space to assess where I am in terms of what I wanted out of this year. While I’m behind on a few things, I know I’ve got time and perspective to still be on top of what I promised myself for 2022.