How to Use Your Library to the Fullest

Libraries are one of the most important parts of communities. Especially now, when so many terrible people are trying to ban books and Amazon Prime makes books so cheap, libraries need our support more than ever. And libraries do more for a community than just provide books! Libraries are a safe haven for anyone who needs help and doesn’t have access to sources of information. They are community hubs and truly are a gift!

This post was inspired by my Summer Long Spending Freeze (mostly a book buying ban) and when I had to get my Passport renewed. A follower DM’d me and said that when she worked at her library, they offered Passport newel and applications! Wild! Libraries are an invaluable part of our society.

  1. Request Your Library Order a Copy of a Book—This helps authors in the same way as if you individually pre-ordered or purchased a book.

  2. Libby/Overdrive—If you are not using your library for e-books and audiobooks, you MUST. It’s the greatest tool! Utilize the Holds List at your library for the physical and digital catalogues!

  3. Free Wifi—Whenever a hurricane knocked out power, our library always welcomed people in to work and get school work done because it was one of the first buildings to have power restored.

  4. Events + Programs—Things like story time, job fairs, even author talk backs are available at libraries! When I was in middle school, the town library always hosted murder mystery events and they were SO fun.

  5. Book Sales—My library now a couple a year. Books that are gently used are usually $1-5 and it’s such a great way to get books at a great price. It’s also a great place to donate unread books or books you don’t think you want on your shelves anymore.

  6. Language Tools—Libraries are a haven for anyone who needs help or to learn something new, especially when it comes to language barriers or translation!

  7. Accessibility Tools—Much like language, accessibility tools are available for disabilities like dyslexia, tech issues (using an iPad/Kindle to read from the digital catalogue, etc). In my county, there are no long late fees and fines as well, making it much easier for everyone to truly use the facilities.

  8. College/Job Prep—Not only are libraries a quiet place to go to study, but there are also college prep programs offered at some. Librarians can help with resume prep, job applications, and more!

  9. Requests—Most importantly, if your library doesn’t offer a program you need or have a book you want to read, YOU CAN ASK! Libraries are here to serve YOU.

  10. Librarians—We don’t deserve them. Between summer reading programs, book clubs, and providing a safe place for everyone, librarians work so incredibly hard.

What your favorite part of your library?