
We welcomed Summer with our #ReadIntoSummer readathon and now we’ll bit it adieu with #ReadIntoAutumn!


It’s the coziest time of year and while the official start of Fall isn’t until mid September, there’s no better time to get into the spirit than a long weekend. It’s also a great way to finish off some of those lingering summer reads before I share my Fall Reading Guide on Labor Day, Monday September 6!

If you’ve never done a readathon, it’s pretty simple. We just read! I had so much fun with the #ReadIntoSummer readathon because that’s what I focused on. I read every day, but sometimes my mind wanders or I don’t have a lot of time. These long weekends are when I set aside time to dedicate to my reading, weather it’s an audiobook while getting chores done, a leisurely morning with coffee, or reading late into the night.

All you have to do to participate? Read!

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I share some fun prompts along the way on Instagram will also have some videos up on YouTube (!!!!!) vlogging my weekend. I’ll also be going live with some friends to ask them about their favorite books from the summer, what they’re reading this Fall, and if they are Team Apple or Team Pumpkin Spice.

I’ll be sharing the templates on Instagram this week so you can make your TBR (To Be Read) Lists and share them, as well as a couple photo prompts just for fun. I’m so excited to enjoy the long weekend and I hope you’ll read along with me!

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