Our Summer Garden

Last week, I shared the progress of our balcony which has quickly become by favorite “room” in our home. If you were following me last summer, you’ll know how Nick got REALLY into gardening. When Broadway shut down, Nick was home with nothing to do for the first time in years. He developed a fun little hobby for himself that became something we both loved!

This year, we didn’t go all out. Nick isn’t working from home anymore and we don’t get too much sun on our actually patio, just on the railing. We decided to do some herbs and only a few food items, but they’ve done so well and it’s become an important part of my routine. I see why Nick got so into it last year!

Herbs: Rosemary, Parsely, Oregano, Basil

Plants: Heirloom Tomatoes, Hungarian Hot Peppers, Bell Peppers


We used this Plant Stand in our old apartment in the city, when we didn’t have any outdoor space, and it’s been a great space saver on the balcony! Nick purchased the GeoPots last year and they totally held up in storage. They’re not the prettiest, but they’re great for drainage and come in varying sizes, making it easier to transfer them when they outgrow their current, smaller, homes.


We placed the herbs in one of the railing planters because they get plenty of sun there! I wasn’t wild about all three of the planters next to each other, but it’s grown on me (gardening pun) and I really like that it provides a little more privacy as well.


So even if you have a small space, don’t let that stop you from trying your hand at gardening! It’s so satisfying to use things you’ve grown yourself and as someone who works from home, I love having something new and important to add to my daily routine.

Gold Watering Can

Our thriving tomato plant!

Our thriving tomato plant!