June is Audiobook Month

This post is sponsored by Pagewater Publishing and the Audiobook Publishers Association. All thoughts are my own.

June is audiobook month! If you’ve been around awhile, you know audiobooks are one of my favorite ways to read and some books translate even better in this format. It's a great way to read while multitasking; doing the dishes, gardening, and going for a walk are just some of my favorite ways to read my audiobooks!

I’ve partnered with Pagewater Publishing to celebrate Audiobook Month by giving away 100 copies of A Queen from the North by Erin McCrae and Racheline Maltese! This book isn’t a new release, but it’s an indie royal romance available on audio for the first time.

I really liked the production of this book. It’s a full cast and full production, so it’s like listening to a radio play. I was in the mood for an easy breezy read and this is definitely it, especially if you like royal romances and can suspend your disbelief on some historical facts.


Synopsis: “What if the Wars of the Roses had never ended? Lady Amelia Brockett, known to her family as Meels, is having the Worst. Christmas. Ever. Dumped by her boyfriend and rejected from graduate school, her parents deem her the failure of the family.
But when her older brother tries to cheer her with a trip to the races, a chance meeting with Arthur, the widowed, playboy Prince of Wales, offers Amelia the opportunity to change her life -- and Britain's fortunes -- forever. Hunted by the press -- and haunted by Arthur's niece who fancies herself the kingdom's court witch -- Amelia finds herself adrift in a sea of paparazzi, politics, and prophecy.
With few allies beyond her allergic-to-horses sister-in-law, her best friend who has a giant crush on the prince, and the cute young receptionist at Buckingham Palace that calls himself her royalty customer service representative, Amelia must navigate a perilous and peculiar course to secure Arthur's love and become A Queen from the North.” —Goodreads

To download your own copy:

1. go to gum.co/ravens
2. click "I Want This"
3. add discount code "ravens"

4. click "get" to download the file.

You can listen via the Gumroad app on your phone, which I’d never used before but found it to be a very seamless process. I could use it like any other audiobook app I’ve used before!

Thank you to Pagewater Publishing and the Audiobook Publishers Association for sponsoring this post!