November Bucket List

Another month has come and gone and we are down to the last two months of 2021. I truly cannot believe it but as tradition goes, it’s time for. themonthly bucket list! I love how cozy and hopeful November feels. It’s not quite the hectic cheer of December, but we’re past spooky season. Have you gathered I don’t do spooky?

November is also Nick’s birthday! A few of the things on my bucket list will be dependent on the state of our community with Covid-19, but I’m hoping that since all of our friends and family are vaccinated (some with boosters!) we’ll be able to have some small celebrations and gatherings. If not, Nick and I made some truly lovely memories last year just the two of us and I look forward to making more.

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Participate in NaNoWriMo 2021!

National Novel Writing Month! Last year my NaNoWriMo was…unsuccessful. The world was so heavy and Election Week took it out of me. This year, I am determined to stay focused. Amber and I have been prepping and holding each other accountable since June so I know we can do it for this 30 day stretch. I gave myself more casual goals last year so this year, I want to challenge myself with something more concrete. I want to finish Draft 2 of WIP: L&N.

Make a Family Recipe

My mom has some of the best holiday recipes that have passed down through the years so this year I want to add another! Last year I made our Corn Pudding (it’s delicious) and this year. I want to make my mom’s Scalloped Potato recipe!

Finish All My Holiday Shopping

Everything was so much harder last year, wasn’t it? Including Holiday shopping. I used to love shopping for gifts but I think my love language has shifted as I’ve gotten older. I want to enjoy December this year so I’m going to try my best to finish all my shopping before the holidays get under way!

Share My Holiday Reading Guide

My reading guides are some of my favorite projects each season but they are a ton for work. However, I am EXCITED for this year’s Holiday Reading Guide! I’ve been reading a ton of books that I think are going to be perfect to cozy up with this season, no matter what you celebrate :) Look for it the week of American Thanksgiving!

Volunteer in Our Community

Something I really missed last year was the ability to get involved. Between the pandemic and moving, it wasn’t in the cards last year. But this year, It’s a priority!

Do a Little Free Library Unhaul

There’s an adorable neighborhood near us (where we’re hoping to buy a house!) that has 5 or 6 Little Free Libraries. I have. somany books I don’t need so I plan on bringing them here and distributing them among the many Little Free Libraries!

Host a Friendsgiving

One of my favorite traditions that we missed out on last year. If it’s safe, we’d love to be able to bring it back!

Do the Turkey Trot

I have never done one of these but for some reason I feel like it would be fun this year?? Let me know if I’ve lost it. But I love making the most of a holiday and being up early to get some movement into my day before feasting seems like it would be fun!

Read a Book in One Day

Always one of my monthly goals. But this time,it will cuddled up with twinkle lights and hot coffee. Sounds like a winner to me!

Journal Every Day

I used to always do 30 Days of Thanks when I was younger and fell out of the habit. I think this will help with NaNoWriMo as well because it will get me in the habit of journaling and jumping into. my writing first thing when I wake up.

What’s on your bucket list for November?