Weekly Wrap Up 4-3-20

We made it to April and though it’s not the first full week, it’s Friday. Does anyone else feel like they took their first full breath when the calendar changed to a new month? 

We are definitely settling into our routine of the new normal. I remember seeing a post in the first days of isolation where someone alluded that deep cleaning your home was Day 15 or 16 type stuff. CAN CONFIRM! The first week we were distracted and scared. The second week we were tired and unmotivated. And the third week brought acceptance and clarity. 

We rearranged our apartment and it has been DELIGHTFUL! We love Fixer Upper and have dreams of flipping houses like Chip and Jo Gaines. Hence why our Waco trip was so special! But now I am feeling so inspired to truly decorate our space like adults. We know we aren’t staying in this apartment forever and with our crazy schedules, we didn’t really care what it looked like. Now that we’re spending so much time here, we’re both feeling our creative itch again. 

I’m going to do a post later on sharing our inspiration. I know it will take awhile, with how crazy the world is right now, but I can’t wait to take it on piece by piece. 

Here’s what I was up to this week: 

Reading: Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter and The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan—Two rereads that brought me such warmth and joy! 

Currently Reading: Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sara J. Maas, and Yes No Maybe So by Becky Abertalli 

Cooking: Shared some of our easy, inexpensive go to recipes we’ve been making during this time! 

Watching: Schitt’s Creek and OMG how has it taken us this long to watch it?! It’s been our favorite part of the day when we close our computers and laugh together. I’m going to put together a post of the best shows and movies to watch as a couple! 

I also watched Tiger King because I hate not understanding memes and yikes, what a docu-series. It was really alarming and I can’t believe it was all real. It does deal with some alarming topics, so make sure to check out doesthedogdie.com for a full list of content warnings. But to be brief, it does deal with suicide, animal cruelty, murder, violence, and threatening language.

Working Out: Besides taking walks when the weather allows, I’ve started *literally* running the stairs to our roof. I start 6 flights from the top, jog up and then take a cool lap on the roof. Then I jog down and repeat for 25 mins. IT’S HARD AF! But it feels good! Then I do some yoga/stretching back in the apartment.

Yoga with Adriene SarahBeth Yoga

I’m starting to find the joy in the little things every day. Sleeping a little later, enjoying time together, moving my body outside the gym, a glass of wine and a good laugh. 

I hope you’re finding the joy in the little things too. Things change every day but we can control our every day little lives.