Weekly Wrap Up 2-7-20

After getting home late on Sunday night and a constant cloud over the city this week, I am SO HAPPY it is Friday. Wow, this week was a long one. But I’m proud of myself for staying on top of my work and not letting the slump take over in all aspects of my life. I didn’t get to the gym at all, but I decided to give myself the grace to take one thing off my plate. I have a restorative weekend planned and I will get back to my workout schedule on Saturday!

Last night we celebrated a friend’s birthday and tonight we have tickets for a show! It’s an early Valentine’s Day/Anniversary date and I’m very much looking forward to it! Here’s what I was up to this week:

Wedding Planning: our invitations came in! So I had to finalize our guest address list to send to the calligrapher. We decided on some elements of our favors/welcome bags! This is a fun one to do. So now I need to order our custom stamps and prepare to stuff all the envelopes when they come in!

Reading: I was in a major slump at the beginning of the week. I finally put down the dystopian fiction that was leaving me feeling off and picked up what I thought would be a light romance—In Five Years. In the end, it wasn’t light, but it did pull me out of my slump and I greatly enjoyed it! It would be a GREAT bookclub book.

Currently Reading: I’m listening to the audiobook of Long Bright River (thank you Libro.fm for my copy!) and reading The Lager Queen of Minnesota. I’m enjoying both of them!

Next Up: Audiobook will be SHE SAID and Physical book will be The Regrets!

Lots of really exciting things are going to be happening on my Instagram and Blog next week! I’m going to be diving into all things Romance for the week! Follow #kissmeimreading to participate!