Current Favorites

I think this is the first Monday of the year I’m starting out feeling like I am AHEAD for the week. Now that I’ve said that, I’m sure it will come to a screeching halt and I’ll end up a ball of stress as usual, but for now I am feeling so excited and happy to go into a new week. 

I started my blog as a way to share some of my favorite books and favorite things. So I figured why not share some of my current favorite things. Sometimes we just need to appreciate the things we have in our lives, even though there is way more to life than things! 

Mascara—Chubby Lash Clinique—I LOVE this mascara. I use a lot of Clinique products and this is the first mascara that has competed with Too Faced’s Better than Sex Mascara! It’s great! 

Chapstick—Burt’s Bees—Nick has always used this and in the last year, I’ve totally been converted as well! I keep it in every coat pocket and bag, with extras and emergency sticks hidden around the apartment. 

L’Occitane Rose Hand Creme—I got this in my stocking this year and it has come in handy this winter. I’ve been significantly freaked out by this flu season and the Coronavirus, so I’ve been washing my hands like crazy, making them really dry. This cream keeps my hands from getting too dry from the soap and smells great without being overpowering. 

Pearl Clips—I have been a loyal headband wearer for most of the year since the trend reappeared, but now I’ve been branching into a few other hair trends. I love these pearl clips a Secret Santa gave me! 

Audiobooks—If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you may not know I made the switch from Audible to It’s my new favorite service and I can’t recommend it enough! Same price as Audible, but you can support you local bookstore instead of the giant company of Amazon. It’s a great way to support your community or a favorite place you’ve visited! 

J.Crew Earrings—I usually wear my pearl studs every day, but I recently got these from J.Crew and they are SO FUN! Great for date night and Valentine’s Day!  

Shows—Cheer, Spinning Out—I haven’t been watching too much TV, but these two shows on Netflix I both loved! 

Let’s have a great week!