Review: Three Women by Lisa Taddeo

I was really excited to read Three Women when I learned about it from Morgan (nycbookgirl). It started getting lots of early hype and seeing as memoirs, and more importantly stories about women, are my favorite, I knew this was the right choice for my July Book of the Month pick. 

Here’s the thing: the is really important book. But it needs to come with some GIANT trigger warnings. Luckily, nothing in this book was too triggering for me. But it is not the female tell all on desire and sexual needs it was marketed to be. 

It IS about three women and their relationship to sex, love, and physical affection. But it also about three women who have been sexually abused, assaulted, and raped. So, PLEASE take care of yourself if any of those situations are particularly traumatic or triggering for you. 

If I had known those things going in, I would have not been nearly as shocked. It is a nonfiction piece that reads like fiction, but the prose can get a little exhausting. However, I did finish this book and overall, found things to take away from it. 

But please, please proceed with caution and know it is not the female empowerment tell-all you were lead to believe. I am disappointed in the PR team for that reason. 

I am giving Three Women 3 stars because it is not a book I would recommend without conditions. I feel a little jaded based on how it was marketed, and I think it’s okay to be honest about that. It is an important book, especially for someone like me who doesn’t have first hand knowledge of the experiences Maggie, Lina, and Sloane went through. I learned a lot, and that’s all I can ask for. 

Three Women by Lisa Taddeo is on sale now.