July Reading Update: Change in Routine

Hello, Monday and a new week. My week started off a little rough because my 6am alarm did not go off and Nick is traveling this week (as if you haven’t heard me complain enough about it) so luckily by internal close woke up around 6:40. I’m trying not to feel like my day is ruined but I am definitely behind on what I wanted to accomplish before heading to work! 

I wanted to share a reading update for July. In the past, I felt like I read SO MUCH in one month. On average, about 12 books. But then June happened and we moved and I only read 7, albeit long and dense, books. And now we’re in July and I’ve read quite a bit, but feel like my pace has slowed a lot. 

I am a creature of habit. Our move has totally upended those habits and I’m still finding my new groove. A big thing that has impacted me? Natural light. My old bedroom has two giant windows and faced east, so it was flooded with natural light early in the morning. Now matter what time I went to bed, I was up with the sun and felt great! 

Our new bedroom faces west and does not get the rising sun. Now it’s really hard for me to wake up before 7am and I HATE it. My alarm goes off at 6 and I immediately snooze it; i’ve never been a snoozer. I love being productive in the morning and feel like this has totally impacted my daily life. 

But that’s okay. This is the new normal and it’s only been one month today that we’ve been in our new home! I’m adjusting and figuring things out. Maybe I’ll get one of those lights that simulates the rising sun! 

Co-habitation has also impacted my reading life. Nick and I love being with each other and talking about our days, cooking, going to the gym and pool. I haven’t been reading before bed because we’re EXHAUSTED at the end of the day and pass right out. 

Basically, I’m here to tell you that shaking up your routine and changing your habits is okay. Stressing about change is what makes it worse. Find what works for you, pick up the book when you have time and enjoy it for as long as you can. 

Have a great week, my friends! To make the week better, you can enter to win $100 off your very own Jord Wood Watch! Mine is featured in today’s photo and I LOVE it. It’s unique yet classic, which is definitely my style. Check it out HERE!

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