10 of My Favorite Places to Read in NYC

I had the perfect weekend this third weekend of May. The weather was dynamite and didn’t let me down at all. I read outside The Grange, made a great meal, saw Come From Away with my mom, and watched the Game of Thrones finale with friends. 

But it got me thinking…I can read anywhere but there are some places in NYC I truly gravitate towards because they have the best ambiance. From cafes, to parks, to bookshops, you can find what really works for you! In no particular order:

  1. Central Park—Sheep’s Meadow

Probably the easiest part of the park to find, it’s a large green space that is often populated with picnickers. There’s not a ton of shade, since it’s so open, but it’s great for laying out if you want some sun with your reading. 

2. Hudson River Park/Rockefeller Park

On a hot day, the BEST breeze is down here. Plus you have a great view of the Statue of Liberty

3. New York Public Library/Bryant Park

If you want to stay in the midtown area, you can’t go wrong with the New York Public Library. Sometimes during the winter, between audition appointments, I’ll come here and find a quiet corner and a comfy chair. Plus on a nice day, Bryant Park is right on the other side! 

4. Hamilton’s Bakery

This is in my neighborhood, so I supposed I’m a bit biased. But it’s a great little spot with plenty of seating and one of the best cups of coffee in Manhattan. 

5. Housing Works Bookstore Cafe

Housing Works is a bit of a tourist destination, so I only go at strategic times. But it is a bookstore and cafe, so it’s a great place to read, browse, and get some work done. 

6. Union Square—Barnes and noble cafe 

The Barnes and Noble in Union Square is four stories, so there’s plenty of space. It is a chain store, so it’s not charming at all, but if you take a visit to The Strand nearby and it’s not nice enough to read in the park, head to the cafe inside B&N. 

7. Shakespeare & Co

I have not been to the one in Paris (it’s on my bucket list) but I don’t think there’s any comparison between the too. Shakespeare&Co is relatively new to the Upper West Side but I love a good trip here on my way home! 

8. Central Park West

Some of my favorite places in general are along this route. I like to find a bench on this side of the park, usually around the entrance by the Museum of Natural History. It’s leafy, green, with plenty of shade and great people watching! 

9. Central Park North

Living uptown, I prefer the top of the park because it’s not as tourist heavy and I can really enjoy my books without worrying about being asked for directions. I love sharing my city and I do not mind giving directions, but sometimes a girl just wants to read. 

10. The Met—steps and cafe 

I don’t spend all that much time on the east side, but when I do I love a good trip to The Met. It’s free for New York residents and isn’t just a good place to read, it’s a great place to take in all that the art has to offer! I’m actually headed there tomorrow to get out the Camp Exhibit. 

If you can’t tell, I love New York! Let me know if you’d like to see any more New York guides! 

photo by Noelle Fair Photography