Weekly Wrap Up 5-24-19

I am practically dancing writing this. IT’S THE BEST LONG WEEKEND OF THE YEAR! Although it’s a little bittersweet this year, since we won’t be traveling to Lake Placid, I am still so happy it’s the unofficial kick off to summer! I have so much planned for this summer and it just brings us one step closer to our wedding, so I cannot wait! 

This week kicked my butt, if I’m being honest. It was a tough one emotionally. But that is okay. It is okay to not be okay. We have so much going on! But I had a fantastic week for reading and I’m so excited to share. 

Books finished: The Bride Test (review here) and The Power of Habit 

You. Guys. The Power of Habit was FASCINATING. Yes all caps is necessary. I’m going to do a full review on it the book and share a bit of an experiment I want to try. Stay tuned! 

Weekend Reading: Hot Mess, Laura Lamont’s Life in Pictures, Beartown 

I’m excited to really unplug this weekend. I’m going to tackle blog work on Friday and Saturday but on Sunday and Monday, I’m taking the days off. There will still be posts, but they’ll be scheduled!  I’m planning on diving into Hot Mess, finishing Laura Lamont’s Life in Pictures, and starting Beartown! My friend Sarah over at Mama’s Reading Corner and I are hosting a buddy read of Beartown. There’s still time to join us! 

#GOTSummerRead: Are you being brave and joining us in the Seven Kingdom’s this summer? We are officially getting the last two books! When, not certain. But it’s a great incentive to join me this summer on #GOTSummerRead! 

Holiday Weekend Tag: I’ve been wanting to create a fun tag for a while and I think this holiday weekend is the perfect to do it! Tomorrow, show off your favorite breakfast in bed, your morning routine, or how you spend a long weekend with #bookstagramsbreakfastinbed ! Post to instagram or your blog if you want, with the questions below. Make sure you’re following along to see my answers on IG!

1. What are you most looking forward to this summer? 

2. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

3. Pancakes or Waffles? 

4. Hot or Iced Coffee? 

5. Picnic or rooftop dinner? 

6. Light beach read or wild thriller? 

7. Lake, ocean, or pool? 

Make sure you tag me so I can see all your fun answers! 

What are your weekend plans?