7 Ways To Read Books Without Spending Any Money

In preparation for our move, I've put myself on a book buying ban. I’ve been really good this year, since the only books I have bought have been from a very generous gift card I received for my birthday! I made it last 5 months, so that’s a huge win in my book! (I didn’t do that on purpose…but it works)

It’s so difficult NOT to spend money on books, especially since we have a Barnes&Noble membership. But it’s not a practical way to be spending money right now. 

But have no fear! There are so many ways you can read without spending money. Some just require a little patience! 

  1. The Library

This is probably the most obvious, but often overlooked option. Utilize your libraries!!!!! If there's a book you can’t wait for, make sure you get on the wait list early. Someone has to be first to get them! 

2. Overdrive 

If you can handle ebooks, I highly recommend the free app Overdrive! Just link it up with your library card and you’re all set! You have access to your libraries ebooks and audiobooks! 

3. Libby 

Similar to Overdrive, but it’s purely for audiobooks! I don’t read (well, listen) to a lot of Audiobooks so I don’t use this one, but I know people who love it! I listen to memoirs mostly but it’s another app that you hook up to your library card. 

4. Little Free Library 

Have you seen these on Instagram or in your town? Little Free Libraries are popping up all over the country and I think they’re delightful. There’s one in the park right by where I work that I love to utilize. Donate books, borrow books, but always return them! I want to start one once we buy a house. 

5. Book Swap Party

Share with your friends! Host a book swap. Wine, snacks, music and you have a fun evening with your friends. You could even swap clothes and accessories if you’re feeling like it. 

6. Used Bookstores 

Some used bookstores have a free section! They could be older titles or some that have seen better days in terms of wear, but you never know what you may find. 

7. Goodwill/Garage Sales 

In conjuction with used bookstores, don’t be afraid to stop at Garage or Yard Sales as you see them. So many times in NYC I'll walk by an apartment where someone is moving out and they’ve simply placed a sign that says “Free!” Take advantage! 

Reading is a gift. We should all have the ability to take part in it, without having to spend a million dollars.