Weekly Wrap Up 5-10-19

This week was a special one. It flew by in the best and worst ways. After an insanely busy weekend apartment hunting, we found a place! We’ll be moving at the end of June and I am so excited, but also in disbelief. It’s been such a long time coming that I can’t believe it’s real!

I had Monday and Tuesday off (#actorperks) which was great, since we had such a busy weekend. I was able to work ahead on the blog and relax a bit too. Plus I had a super fun and exciting audition yesterday! The weather was great, work was great, all around a really stellar week. 

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

Books Finished: Thirty Life Crisis and Queen Meryl, both ARCs so thank you to the publishers for the opportunity! 

Currently: The Honeymoon, another ARC but it’s a THRILLER! I never read thrillers. Like you’re talking to the girl who still hasn’t read Gone Girl. I’m really excited to stretch out of my comfort zone. 

Books Acquired: I’m a book buying ban, but I received a loaner from a friend of Lauren Lamont’s Life in Pictures, The Bride Test which I purchased with a gift card, and A Marriage of Equals, which was sent to me by the publishing team! 

Weekend Plans: It’s Mother’s Day this weekend! I’m not quite sure what the plan is, but hopefully it’s going to be a gorgeous weekend. I hope all you mamas out there have the best day being celebrated! 

Loving: SPF. The sun has come out and it’s here to stay in NYC. I grew up sailing and spend 98% of my summers outdoors. It was even a job of mine! I taught sailing for 3 summers and I used to TAN my friends. Now if you see my skin, you’ll be shocked. But I am really fair. Like super white. But I would always tan really nicely. However, the older I’ve gotten I've realized how dangerous the sun really is. I love to sit outside and read but I never leave the apartment without at least SPF 50 on my face, chest, and shoulders if they’re exposed. These are my favorites. 

You can click right on the photos for links to purchase! Have the best weekend!