Traveling with Books

I’ve been in Texas with Nick all week and it’s been really nice to have time to really focus on my work. Sometimes I need to step outside the city to really focus on what I need to do and this week has been the perfect escape. 

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on my iPad. It’s super convenient for travel, but not always what I want. But when the clock struck November 1, I was tired of how much screen time I’ve had lately. Even with using my iPad to read, it still exhausts me to see notifications rolling in constantly. I just want to tune out for an hour and READ. 

I truly prefer physical books and so for this trip I packed four! Nick couldn’t believe it. 

What I Packed: 

The Nickel Boys 

November 9

Let it Snow (in preparation for the movie!) 

The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee

Plane Home Plans: 

The Princess Plan  Available November 19

An Alaskan Christmas 

A Wedding in December 

These are all review copies that I MUST get to as soon as possible, so hopefully I can bang ‘em out quickly while stuck in the sky! 

How do you like to travel with books?