Weekly Wrap Up 11-8-19

What a week! This week in Texas has been really restorative for my mental state. I didn’t do much in the state, but I got A LOT of work done and made huge headway on my novel. Working for yourself can be exhausting because it’s all up to you to make ends meet. Whether it’s my acting work or my blog work, it can sometimes feel like I can’t stop working. It was nice to put myself into a little routine here. 

This week has always taught me the importance of taking risks and following your heart. More on that soon, but I’m excited for where this next chapter will lead Read & Wright! 

Today is our last day in Houston. Tomorrow, we are headed to Waco! Any fans of Chip and Jo Gaines out there? We have this pipe dream of creating a business like theirs. Nick would do the building and I’d do the interior design! Ah, to dream…

Here’s what I read this week: 

The Nickel Boys—I wrote a review of this on my Instagram if you want to check it out! 

November 9—I’ll have a full review coming Monday, but spoiler aleart: I hated this book (lol). 

Let it Snow—This is a reread but I haven’t touched it since it first came out in 2008! Now, the movie has been released on Netflix and you better believe I’m cozying up with hot chocolate to watch tonight!  

Currently Reading: The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee

Next Up: A Wedding in December 

Wanting: All the plaid. I was this, this, and this for the holiday season! Libby from Pre Med Wears Pearls did such a good round up the other day and now it’s all I can think about. Thanks, Libby!

Loving: Hazelnut coffee. I never use coffee creamer (unless it’s Peppermint Mocha) but at the hotel this week it was my post workout reward. I’m going to have a hard time letting it go! 

This weekend is going to be so fun! I can’t wait to visit Magnolia!!! I’ll be sharing a guide to the area next week. Have a good weekend, friends!