Wedding Wednesday: What to Expect at Your Tasting

I’m not going to lie, I was totally nervous for our venue tasting. I felt like it was the first really big decision we had to make for our guests! But we ended up having so much fun, which I suppose I should have predicted! Our venue is so great and I am so glad we chose to get married there. They are 100% the right fit for us! 

So we are using a venue that does a lot of weddings and major events, so they have a specific event planning team and a caterer on sight. If you’re using an outside caterer or a non-traditional wedding venue, some of these things may not apply to you but you can certainly make them work for your experience. 

  1. Check in with coordinator/wedding planner: my venue has a separate wedding planner and venue coordinator, which I LOVE. There is someone focused on the venue and someone focused on me. I think it’s a really great feature!I checked in with my wedding planner when I arrived and we were able to make a great connection and discuss some of the worries I’d been having. I am now completely at ease and feel so much less stressed about everything.

  2. Go HUNGRY! We ate so much food. I was prepared but also…not. Make sure you’re only having a bite of each otherwise you’re going to burst. 

  3. If you don’t taste everything, focus on the quality of the food. If it’s good no matter what, whatever you choose will be great! We are going to have 10 appetizers, 2 salads, 3 entrees, and 4 desserts in addition to cake. We didn’t get to try everything we wanted, but based on the quality of the things we did try, I’m not worried! 

  4. Make friends

Our venue hosted all the summer weddings on one night and it was seriously so fun (Hi Krista!). We had a great table, which made the night so much more fun. It’s great to get to know other couples getting married around the same time as you, because you can bounce ideas off of each other! 

I was feeling a *little* stressed last week and now I could not be more excited! 

Photo from Real Simple