Tis the Season

Tis the season for gratitude and we are just a week away from Thanksgiving! We are traveling for Thanksgiving and it is going to be my first holiday away from my family. My heart already hurts but I’m going to do my very best to make the best of it. If you have any advice on spending holidays away from your loved ones, please let me know in the comments! 

In the spirit of giving and thankfulness, I wanted to share a few charities you can contribute to without having to spend a lot of money! And at the same time, you can declutter your home in time for the new year (and decade, omg). 

Barnes and Noble book drive—each store is different charity, but you can buy a book at check out to donate! 

Your local library—they can always take donations! Especially if you have any newer releases you aren’t wild about. 

Check with friends that are teachers—my sister in law in a teacher, so I try to hold onto any YA books she might be able to use in her classroom. 

Giving trees in churches/community centers—Check out your local community center or a church in town. At ours, you choose an ornament that has the description of a person in need. 

Adopt a family—Doing this usually is a little more expensive, since you’re buying for a whole family, but you can do it as a group with friends too! Get a group of 8, maybe 4 couples or two families, and take on the task! My high school theatre group did this every year and it was a great reminder. Plus, fun to do as a group!

It’s really important to give back to places and charities that are close to your heart. I love to make sure every child has access to books. Books can change lives and they are a relatively inexpensive thing to give! 

All images are my own.