Weekly Wrap Up 10-18-19

What. a. week. It’s been wild to say the least. I can’t really wrap my head around it all, especially after a mid week 3:30am wake up, a couple flights, and a funeral later. Here’s a brief look into what I was up to this week. 

Books read: Christmas Shopaholic, Let it Snow;  Both are available now! Thank you Random House for my copies!

Currently: We Met in December (ARC)

Next Up: It Won’t Be Christmas Without You

Did you see my guest post with Dorothy from Prep In Your Step?! It’s all about spooky reads perfect for Halloween! 

Currently wanting: This black watch dress I mean have seen something more me?!

Loving: My teddy.bear.coat. It’s FREEZING up in Buffalo so I bought this teddy coat from Kohl’s of all places and I’m in love. I also bought this cape wrap and possible the best bra I’ve ever tried! 

Have a great weekend, my friends!