Backlist Title Feature

How often have you walked into a store and bought something you definitely didn’t need? I’m going to guess pretty often, because I’m extremely guilty of it as well! I went through a period of time where I didn’t buy books. And then one day, I bought one book. And the next day, another. A week later, I brought 3 home. Until finally, my stack was embarrassingly high and I could’t remember why I’d purchased some of them. 

It’s easy to get distracted by the new and shiny things in our lives. But I am going to challenge myself, and you, to revisit those things you brought home and haven’t looked at again. Whether it be clothes, make up, candles, or books, revisit them or get rid of them! 

I have quite a few backlist title books to read: 

The Thousandth Floor

The Nickel Boys

A Woman is No Man 

Bringing Down the Duke 

Frat Girl 

Stalking Jack the RIpper 


Bad Blood (currently listening on audio!) 

I also have quite a few books I love to reread that I’d love to review and focus on: 

The Royal We

Ella Enchanted

Harry Potter

The Winter Street series 

These are just to name a few, but I’m determined to read them before 2020 arrives! What are your backlist titles you’re hoping to read before the year is out. 

Image from a TIME magazine article.