My Summer Mood Board

Am I overdoing it on the Summer content? Maybe. But I am so determined to romanticize this season that I want to capture all the vibes of what I’m hoping to accomplish in these precious months. My word for the year was Fearless, with the addendum that I wanted to have “Fearless Creativity” along with it. This is me being fearlessly creative. Sharing what I want and want I know I like to see. There’s an audience out there for it somewhere.

My word for the Summer is “Slow.” I want to soak in every single moment and find contentment every day. Right now, my phone is away from me. I feel focused and fresh and excited. That is what time away from constant stimulation gives me. So, I want to slow down. I still love to share and engage with content and other creators but I am ready to slow down and focus on me more. I want my relationship with social media to be an 80/20 thing when right now it’s definitely felt more 50/50.

I highly recommend dating a moment to make a mood board for the year, season, or whatever vibe you’re hoping to accomplish in the near future! It’s simply so fun and it’s great to look back on and check in with.