Review: Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan

Thank you Putnam Books for my copy! All thoughts are my own.

Annabel Monaghan easily delivers another five star read for me. I LOVED this book like I have loved all of her books. They all have made me feel things so deeply and connect with women I may not have a ton in common with on paper, but inside, we all are connected. I finished this book in a day and if I hadn’t needed to clean my house I would have read it in one sitting. I LOVED it. Annabel has this incredible ability to write everything that needs to be on the page without it feeling like the book is missing anything. It’s an incredible talent and this book has moved up my list of favorites.


Benefits of a summer romance: It’s always fun, always brief, and no one gets their heart broken.

Ali Morris is a professional organizer whose own life is a mess. Her mom died two years ago, then her husband left, and she hasn’t worn pants with a zipper in longer than she cares to remember.

No one is more surprised than Ali when the first time she takes off her wedding ring and puts on pants with hardware—overalls count, right?—she meets someone. Or rather, her dog claims a man for her in the same way he claimed his favorite of her three children: by peeing on him. Ethan smiles at Ali like her pants are just right—like he likes what he sees. He looks at her as if she’s a version of herself she hasn’t been in a long while. The last thing newly single mom Ali needs is to make her life messier, but there’s no harm in a little summer romance. Is there?” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

  1. The Setting—This book felt like home! It wasn’t set in Connecticut, where I grew up, but it is on Long Island Sound which is close enough to capture the vibes of my summers as a kid. I LOVED the charming town and how all the homes were described.

  2. The Characters—I loved Ali and Ethan plus all the side characters. Cliffy is adorable and Phyllis will have my heart forever.

  3. The Visceral Feelings—Pete SUCKS. Can we talk about how much Pete sucks? But I loved how this book made me feel things so loudly. I felt my heart clench and burst along with Ali’s as she found herself again.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Wanted a Little More from Frannie—I would have liked a teeeeny bit more from the side characters but I still loved this book so much.

Character Authenticity: 5/5 Spice Rating: 0/5 Overall Rating: 5/5

Content Warnings:

death of a parent, grief, divorce, toxic relationship