October Bucket List

You will pick up on one distinct theme for my October Bucket List: routine. As I am sitting down to write this bucket list, I am not going to lie to you. I am having a tough day. It’s been a challenging few months with some high highs and low lows, which is frustrating for someone who places a lot of value on productivity.. I know I have more value than just my productivity, but I also know how I feel my best and rotting is not it. I spent the second half of September in a reading slump, which left me feeling like my brain was melting.

So! In order to keep moving forward and stave off the brain rot, I want to lean into routine. Which is something I love and always want more of!

  1. Movement

    I have become one with my walking pad and making sure I get 10k steps a day. I feel so much better when I start my morning with a 30 minute walk. I obviously walk my dog and move a lot at work, but having a morning walk and midday/lunchtime walk that’s just for me have been great goals.

  2. Morning Routine/Evening Routine

    My morning and evening routines have been so inconsistent and I hate it. But, it’s impossible to have a good morning routine if you don’t have a solid evening routine. So, I first need to get my night’s together so that getting going in the morning is easier.

  3. Carve a Pumpkin

    Gotta do something festive, even if I’m not the biggest Halloween girlie.

  4. Start Holiday Shopping

    I am determined to stick to a budget this holiday season and enjoy the season, so I want to get all my shopping done as early as possible.

  5. Get a Holiday Book Party on the Calendar

    I want to host a little holiday party and December fills up so fast, so I think I want to send out a Save the Date this month!

  6. Journaling Habit

    Something I’m working on, and have been working on, is journaling regularly again. It has been so hard so I think I want to do a morning line and an evening line, just something brief to build up the muscle.

  7. Visit a New to Me Bookstore

    I’ve felt like I’ve been in hibernation and I haven’t been doing as much socializing. I went to a book even with Carley Fortune in September and it reminded me how much I love getting out and talking about books. There’s a new bookshop a few towns over and I’ve been meaning to go check it out for some time, so i’m gonna make it a priority this month.

  8. Meal Prep Routine

    I’ve been pretty good about cooking and meal prepping, but I definitely want to try some new recipes and mix things up a little bit.

  9. Writing

    I can’t believe my writing retreat was a month ago at this point. I miss it so much and being back home with all the distractions and obligations reminded me how lucky I am to have been able to do it in the first place. So, I need to focus back in on it because it makes me so happy.

  10. More Creativity, Less Scrolling

    My phone has really been sucking all the energy out of me. I’m thinking of taking up a hobby that uses my hands, or getting back into needlepoint, so i’m tempted to scroll less.