My 2024 Reading Goal & How to Read More

Tis the season for goal setting! I love a fresh new year and it always feels so good to set my reading goal. In the past, I used to increase my reading goal every year. I think I started with 24 in 2016 and the highest I ever set it is 80 and the most I’ve ever read in a year is 161. I read A LOT but it’s never been about the number.

In 2020, before we knew the pandemic was coming, I was supposed to be planning my wedding for the first half of the year. So, I set my goal to 52 books so even in all the craziness, I’d still try to read one book a week. It feels good to me! While I do think it’s fun to set a lofty goal that can be adjusted, I am a Capricorn. The number is arbitrary, but I hate not meeting the goal I set lol. I know, it’s a problem.

With the mindset of 52 books a year, I can still enjoy my reading without feeling pressure but also prioritize it. I tend to read past 52, which is exciting. But in 2023, I felt like I didn’t have as many 5 star reads. I was reading to finish books rather than reading what I loved. Don’t get me wrong, I still read A LOT of amazing books. But only a handful of the 148 I read were 4-5 star reads. I want quality over quantity this year for sure.

I track my reading and post review on Goodreads

And on StoryGraph!

  1. Set a Timer for 30 Minutes and Leave Your Phone in Another Room—We all love to scroll social media. I don’t think there is anything wrong with enjoying some TikTok time! But I never feel good when it’s too much time. So, when I need a break from my phone I will set a timer for 30 minutes and place my phone in another room or at least out of reach. When the timer goes off, I can take a scroll break or usually I’m so into the book, I keep reading!

  2. DNF Books that Aren’t Holding your Attention—This is a hard one for me. I use to always power through but lately, I’ve been moving on from a book that isn’t working so that I can find one that does! It helps avoid making my hobby feel like a chore.

  3. Make Reading for 15 Minutes Part of Your Morning or Evening Routine—My e-reader is the best for this. I read every morning while I have my coffee and it’s something I look forward to once I’m out of bed. I also think you can make it part of your evening routine by reading 15 minutes before lights out instead of going on your phone. I try to read at least one chapter before I fall asleep.

  4. Keep a Running List—If you always have a book to reach for or at least once you know you want to read next, you avoid falling out of the habit or a slump!

  5. Ask Your Librarian for Recommendations—Libraries are amazing. They are vital to our communities and librarians are incredible resources for book recommendations. Don’t be afraid to ask yours what they’re reading or if they have a recommendation for a book similar to one you’ve already read and loved.

I hope this list is helpful! If you have any other tips on how to incorporate reading into your everyday life, I’d love to know so we can share them together!