Weekly Wrap Up

How are you all surviving the million days of January? Honestly, I haven’t felt the length of this month like I normally do. Between all the snow days (a whole week!) and prepping for a busy Spring, i’ve enjoyed the slower pace of January. And after a rough start to my reading year, I’m definitely back in the swing of things and I’m thrilled about it. I had a great reading week that made me feel so excited and like myself. Reading really is magic and it’s helping with my ultimate intention for the year: less screen time.

I wrote about my feelings on excess screen time last week on The Bookmark and I was so grateful for the thoughtful conversation it brought up for the community. I love what social media has given me in terms of this community and opportunities I never thought possible. But I also know that as an anxious person, I struggle with the fear of missing something. Missing a message letting me know something important, missing who is canceled each week, missing an event that requires our outcry of support. It’s a lot on my little brain and heart.

This week I read the third book from an author I fell in love with in 2022, Fallon Ballard. Right on Cue hit the mark for me in a way her sophomore novel didn’t so I was so happy to be back in the tension filled world of her romance characters. It’s exciting to read the books that keep you up at night, in a good way.

In 2024, I want more sleepless nights caused by books instead of anxiety.

What I Read:

Right On Cue // Raiders of the Lost Heart // One in a Millenial

Weekend Reading Plans:

Bride // Fangirl // The Frozen River

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

The last weekend of the month! We don’t have any major plans but I’d love to do a little more decluttering, especially of my office. Sadly, no Bills football for us anymore 😭 but I’m all in on rooting for the Lions now. Those fans deserve it!