July Bucket List

When July rolls around, I always want to savor it and make Summer go a bit slower. July is the prime of Summer, when things are busy and exciting and the weather is hot and glorious around here. I’m busy with theatre camp this month so my mornings are spent inside, but when I’m not at the theatre, I want to be outside as much as possible! I’m also looking forward to have a consistent schedule for a bit. I love working for myself and that I have freedom and flexibility in my days, but lately, I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed by choice. With this schedule, I think it will help me lean into the routine I’ve been craving and set some serious boundaries I need to enforce for my mental health.

You ever feel like you need a little discipline? Cause that’s where I am right now.

  1. Golf on the Weekends

    We started doing this in June and I’ve loved it. It feels like Summer 2021 again, when I really enjoyed doing this activity and these day dates with Nick. Sometimes we golf with friends, sometimes we go just us, but I really love having an activity that is a true hobby.

  2. Go to the Farmer’s Market

    I want to start getting into budgeting our food bill in a much better way and shopping locally!

  3. Un-haul Unread Books

    I’ve been reading more of my physical books, which feels so good! But I still need to clean out my office so that it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.

  4. Write Daily

    I did well in June with writing so I want to keep it up in July!

  5. Try a New (or Return to an) Activity

    I used to needlepoint a lot and I’ve been wanting to return to it. I miss having true hobbies, since reading isn’t really a hobby anymore lol.

  6. Go for a Morning Walk Alone

    If you know me, you know my dog is my life. But i have been missing solo walks in the morning. Before we had Beasley, I used to take my coffee in a to go mug and walk for 45 minutes every morning. I miss doing that on my own. Nick usually does Beasley’s morning walk so I think I’ll walk to get outside and take a longer walk before I head to class or on my runs.

  7. Read 5 Books Off My Physical TBR

    Every time I read a really good book from my physical TBR, I remember how much I love the feel of a physical book. I want to read 5 this month!

  8. No Buy July

    I do this every July and I am determined to be really strict about it to refresh our budget.

  9. Keep Journaling

    It felt so good to get back into journaling during June and I really need to keep it up in July!

  10. Read A Book in a Day

    I wonder which book it will be! I’ve been in my marathon reading era.