Weekly Wrap Up

What a week! I shared what I read in June yesterday and in that post I said that June was a restorative month for me. It truly was. I spent a lot of this Spring in a very dense fog, struggling to regulate my emotions and find motivation. This month, I feel like I found my joy again. Part of that was leaning into a new routine and changing things up. I starting running again (very slowly, we’re doing the Couch to 5k Program!) and found a workout class I really like. I got ahead on work the way I needed to, found my writing mojo again, and read some fantastic books.

I think it’s important to have months like this, where you’ve reached a point where you know you need change. Next month, my focus is going to be on maintaining what I’ve started but also focusing on our budget. It’s my 3rd No Buy July and I NEED IT.

What I Read:

Once More with Feeling // The Celebrants // Done and Dusted // Mixed Signals

Weekend Reading Plans:

Fourth Wing // You With a View // Reckless

Listening & Watching:

Weekend Plans:

Thank goodness for long weekends! I’m hoping the air quality improves a bit so we can enjoy it outside but we’ll also be celebrating my best friend’s birthday! If we are inside, I’m going to continue my decluttering spree and starting Camp NaNoWriMo strong.

I hope you have a great weekend!