Review: What Happens After Midnight by K.L. Walther

Thank you Sourcebooks Fire for my copy of What Happens After Midnight! All thoughts are my own.

In the Summer of 2021, I read and fell in love with The Summer of Broken Rules. It was fun, serious. relatable, and overall an extremely enjoyable Summer read. I’ve been waiting for K.L. Walther’s next book since and What Happens After Midnight did not disappoint in the slightest. I am a sucker for a good boarding school story and I loved stepping on the Ames campus. I’m also a huge fan of the Newport, Rhode Island setting.

I am really loving the trend in YA that feels engaging and nostalgic for older readers while still being age appropriate for younger readers. I really felt like I understood Lily as a character, especially her relationship insecurities and the fear that comes with loving someone so hard. I also really appreciate that Walther’s books are sex positive! She portrays such healthy young relationships and I really appreciate that.


“Lily Hopper has two more weeks until she's officially finished with boarding school. With graduation quickly approaching Lily is worried that she's somehow missed out on the fun of being in high school. So, when she receives a mysterious note inviting her to join the anonymous senior class Jester in executing the end-of-year prank, Lily sees her chance to put her goody-two-shoes reputation behind her.

When Lily realizes the Jester is none other than Taggart Swell, her ex- boyfriend, she's already in too deep to back out. Lily might've dumped Tag, but she still has major feelings. Plus, his brilliant plan to steal the school's yearbooks, targets none other than Lily's prom date: the Senior Class President, Daniel.

As the group of pranksters hide cryptic clues across campus for Daniel to find, Lily and Tag find themselves in close quarters. As the exes dodge Campus Safety guards, night owl teachers, a troop of freshmen, and even Daniel himself, new sparks fly. But old hurts and painful secrets refuse to be ignored. And with graduation on the horizon, Lily can only hope that breaking the rules will help mend her heart.” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

  1. The Concept—I am a sucker for boarding school stories and I loved that this book mostly centered on one night on campus! It felt very playful and mysterious and I could completely envision the Newport school.

  2. The Characters—The group of friends was so so so amazing! I loved their interactions and how they gathered around each other to pull off the prank. I’ll always think of K.L. Walther when it comes to books that feature games and a playful attitude. Also Leda and Josh! What delightful adult characters that support the young people in a healthy way.

  3. The Flashbacks—I fell in love with Tag just as much as Lily did through the flashbacks. I found their relationship really relatable, especially Lily’s insecurities. I wanted more of the flashbacks!

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Needed a * tad * more structure—I wanted more of the flashbacks and I wanted them with just a little more structure, because sometimes coming out of them was jarring. Although, I can see how that is a vehicle to relate to Lily.

Character Authenticity: 5/5 Steam Rating: N/A Overall Rating: 4.75/5

Content Warnings:

medical content, diabetic shock