What I Read in May 2023

May turned out to be a FANTASTIC reading month. I was a little worried that I was going to fall into another slump after April being a little dicey, but it turned out I was able to find my reading groove. I focused a lot on new releases this month because I was getting ready to share my Summer Reading Guide. Which is now up, so go check it out! I’ll have tons of Summer Reading content coming all season long, so if new releases aren’t your thing, fear not!

Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead

I picked up this audiobook during the Libro.fm sale because Becca Freeman mentioned it on Bad On Paper. It was really enjoyable! I liked it as an audiobook but I don’t know if I would have stuck with it if I read with my eyes, if that makes sense? But I liked it and will be reading the second book in the series, The Boyfriend Candidate.

Famous for a Living by Melissa Ferguson

Thank you to Libro.fm for my copy—this was aggressively fine. Cute, easy listening, but kind of forgettable to me.

The Legacies by Jessica Goodman

I picked this up ready for something fast paced…but I don’t know! It didn’t quite work for me as much as her other books. It’s very much Gossip Girl with a murder, so like it’s fun and juicy but I didn’t feel as invested. But i’ve really positive reviews from others so it might be a me problem.

I’m Not Philosopher But I’ve Got Thoughts by Kristen Chenoweth

Short (like really short), sweet, and full of prayers. K-Chen is never one to push her beliefs on anyone but if that’s not your thing, skip this one.

Will They Or Won’t They by Ava Wilder

I think this ended up being my favorite book of the month! It’s a celebrity, second chance, love to hate to love Romance. Yes, so tropey and SO good. And of course, Ava Wilder knows how to keep it about the Romance but also dig into so much more for the characters. Big fan!

Paris: The Memoir by Paris Hilton

I had no idea about the tragic past of Paris Hilton. This was a good memoir but I wish she’d addressed some of the problematic things she did in the past instead glossing over most of them.

The Comeback Summer by Ali Brady

Cute, fine, but I enjoyed The Beach Trap much more!

The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren

Probably my favorite CLo in a long time! It was SO good! I loved the reality tv show setting and the characters leapt off the page. It was so fun, a non cheesy love letter to the genre, and well paced.

The Only One Left by Riley Sager

Not my favorite Sager, but still really good. And there’s no surprise paranormal aspect lol.

The Prince and the Apocalypse by Kara McDowell

SUCH a fun, original book. That’s the word I keep using to describe it! I haven’t read anything like it and I truly loved it. It’s so well paced and entertaining.

Summer Reading by Jenn McKinlay

In my opinion, you can skip this one. I was looking forward to the Martha’s Vineyard setting but this book didn’t have a strong sense of place at all. I did however really appreciate the author’s note and the dyslexia representation.

Heartless by Elise Silver

I haven’t been reading a ton of super smutty romances, but wowww did this bring me back. Book two in the Chestnut Springs series and I am ready for book three. Yeehaw.

Meet Me at Midnight by Jessica Pennington (reread)

I reread this book via audio and it was the perfect jump start to Summer reading! It’s set on a lake and it’s YA, but I have always found the tone to be on the more mature side and both characters are 18.

The Art of Scandal by Regina Black

I just have to say, DAMN. This book is GOOD. It was recommended to me by Ashley Herring Blake when we interviewed her for the podcast and it did not disappoint.

What was your favorite read of the month? I think mine was Will They Or Won’t They!