Read Into Summer 2023 Readathon!

It is officially my favorite season for reading: summer reading! For the last three years, i’ve hosted a readathon over Memorial Day weekend in the US for a kick off to Summer Reading. #ReadIntoSummer was born out of needing to fill the long weekend days of the pandemic and it has become one of my favorite traditions. This year, I’ll be in one of my best friend’s wedding over the holiday weekend so we’ll be doing #ReadIntoSummer a little later than normal, but it is still happening!

My Summer Reading Guide will still be releasing on Monday May 29 but we’ll be doing our readathon June 9-12! The theme for my summer reading guide and activities is “Get Lost (in a book)” and I can’t wait to read with you! Below you’ll find the theme, the reading sprint* schedule, and the book prompts for the weekend.

*What’s a reading sprint? It’s dedicated reading time! I set my timer for one hour and put my phone away so I am totally focused. I set a reminder on Instagram so that we can do the sprint together and then we track our progress in number of pages/percentage read!