Review: Ruby Spencer's Whiskey Year by Rochelle Bilow

Thank you Berkley for my copy of Ruby Spencer’s Whiskey year! All thoughts are my own.

I think this book might have one of my favorite covers of all time. I saw it and knew I needed to read it. And this book is charming! It’s warm, low stakes, and set in a gorgeous place. I found it to be a little forgettable but it was an enjoyable ride while I was reading it. Mostly, I read it during a really busy time in my life and it lacked that “I can’t put this down” factor I really need with books at the moment. I thought the writing was delightful, the characters fun and unique, but overall I just didn’t love this book.


“Ruby Spencer is spending one year living in a small cottage in a tiny town in the Scottish Highlands for three reasons: to write a bestselling cookbook, to drink a barrelful of whisky, and to figure out what comes next. It’s hard to know what to expect after an impulse decision based on a map of Scotland in her Manhattan apartment—but she knows it’s high time she had an adventure.

The moment she sets foot in Thistlecross, the verdant scenery, cozy cottages, and struggling local pub steal her heart. Between designing pop-up suppers and conversing with the colorful locals, Ruby starts to see a future that stretches beyond her year of adventure. It doesn’t hurt that Brochan, the ruggedly handsome local handyman, keeps coming around to repair things at her cottage. Though Ruby swore off men, she can’t help fantasizing what a roll in the barley might be like with the bearded Scot.

As Ruby grows closer to Brochan and the tightly held traditions of the charming village, she discovers secret plans to turn her beloved pub into an American chain restaurant. Faced with an impossible choice, Ruby must decide between love, loyalty, and the Highlands way of life.” —The StoryGraph

What I Liked:

  1. The Setting—I’m a sucker for the Scottish countryside. I visited once when I was in college and have always wanted to go back and stay in one of the charming inns.

  2. Focusing on Older Characters—So many romances and Rom Coms focus on characters in their twenties. It was refreshing to read about someone closer to 40 and how valid it is that people are still finding their way and their way to love during this season of life.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Pacing—Nothing grabbed me and made me want to keep reading. Maybe it was a little too sweet and easy for my tastes.

  2. Stakes—Along the same lines, I didn’t detect any urgency and reason for Ruby to be there. I kept getting lost and having to ask, “but what are we working towards?!”

Character Authenticity: 4/5 Spice Rating: 1/5 Overall Rating: 3/5

Content Warnings:

via The StoryGraph

Graphic: Alcohol, Sexual content, Abandonment; Minor: Death of parent, Alcoholism, Infidelity