February Bucket List

We did it, everyone. We made it through the 74 days of January and we are now in the second month of 2023. This year, I took the approach that January is a month of resetting and it’s okay if that New Year energy ebbs and flows. I struck a balance between being gentle with myself and pushing myself and I feel like it was the best I’ve done with coping with the transitional elements of January. I left my Christmas tree up too long, I slept in some days, but I also edited my first novel. I made regular movement part of my weekly routine. I read from my physical TBR stack and made time for friends.

My overall goal for 2023 is focused on my word fo the year: BUILD. I am building myself up, building relationships, building my future, and building routines. It’s not about perfection. But it is about finding the energy to keep moving up, even when I want to crumble. But with any mountain climb, it’s imperative to rest along the way.

So for February, we’re keeping that energy! Here’s my bucket list for the month. Let me know what you’re focusing on for the next 28 days.

  1. Wake Up Earlier

    It is so dark and dreary in the mornings during January. We’ve had heavy cloudy days but the snow is beautiful. The sun doesn’t rise until much later than I prefer (I’ve tried the artificial light clocks…they don’t do it for me) so I just need to get myself out of bed.

  2. Charge My Phone Outside the Bedroom at Night

    This was one of my January goals that I failed at the first three weeks of the month, but got back into the habit and now I want to keep it up for February. This way, it will motivate me to get out of bed in the morning as well.

  3. Create an "Anytime” Night Routine

    One of the hardest things about being an actor is that I often have busy evenings that keep me out late. I want to create a routine that I can do at anytime that will help signal to my body that it’s time to rest.

  4. Let A Friend Read my Book

    I spent January editing and I’m ready to have someone else read the whole book. This is a big deal and I’m very nervous.

  5. Finish 2nd Round of Edits

    Once I have feedback, I will complete my second round of edits!

  6. Read to Sleep for 15 Minutes

    Another January goal I failed at. I need to always have a book going on my Kindle so I can do this but I read a lot from my physical TBR so that kind of got in the way!

  7. Read 3 Books from my TBR Stack

    I did pretty well with this goal in January so I want to keep it up! It’s fun to read books that I don’t have to review and I’m enjoying it. It feels low pressure and I feel my love for getting lost in a world coming back to me.

  8. Cook 2 New Recipes

    Another January Goal I really enjoyed so it’s being added to the February list! Why did we stop using cookbooks and go to online recipes? Cookbook booking is elite.

  9. Host a Galentine’s Day Gathering

    I have been struggling to find time to spend with my favorite girl friends so I want to have a little Galentine’s celebration! I’m thinking a brunch with red and pink treats and lots of bubbly. And a fancy dress code! More dressing up in 2023!

  10. Go Skiing

    Skiing makes me love winter and the cloudy days. I feel the weekends passing by so quickly so I want to make time for this hobby of mine!

Happy February!