December Bucket List 2023

Somehow, it is the final month of 2023. I really can’t wrap my head around how fast time moves the older you get. I am truly so overwhelmed by the thought of another year passing that I can’t think about it too hard but I want to enjoy this month. I will be busy with work of course but I want to make time for as many festive activities and festive books as possible.

And of course, it’s #TisTheReadson2023! So I’ll be hosting reading sprints all season long as well as spreading some joy through giveaways and more. Let’s take a deep breath together and enjoy this season before we grind into a new year.

  1. Send Holiday Cards

    I didn’t get around to this last year and I was SO sad we didn’t. It’s a favorite tradition I have so I am 100% going to make it happen this year.

  2. Drive Around to See the Lights

    This was one of my favorite date nights during December 2020. We’d get a fun and festive drink and drive all over, discovering new neighborhoods and getting ideas for our future home. Then it seems like life got busy again and we stopped having free nights to do this. But we will prioritize it!

  3. Ice Skating at Canalside

    We have a cute area downtown Buffalo with an outdoor rink and it’s so festive this time of year. We didn’t make it until January last year but this year I want to make it sooner!

  4. Visit the Christmas Tree Farm

    We don’t get a real tree but I still love to visit and purchase a wreath and some garland for our patio.

  5. Reflect on My Writing Year

    It was a weird year for my writing and my goals. I need to be honest with myself and reflect on this before 2024.

  6. Make a Gingerbread House

    A childhood friend and I always do this together each year!

  7. Set Up the Christmas Village

    My mom gifted me her famous village this Summer and this will be the first year we set it up. I am a little emotional about it but also excited for this piece of decor!

  8. Declutter/Deep Clean before Holiday Decorating

    A must, especially because I want to start January on a good note and not feel overwhelmed.

  9. Journal Every Day

    I got back into this habit during November and I need to keep it up this month, even when things feel busy and overwhelming.

  10. Make a Holiday Movie Watch List

    I don’t want to miss any of my favorites this season!