January Bucket List

Every month, I like to take a look at my habits and make a small bucket list. What do I want to add to my life? What am I missing? What is the time of year and what is special about it? We’re still in the midst of “new year, new me” time and I’m here to remind you that January is just another month. You can start fresh whenever you want and you can take your time on implementing additions to your life. You can read about my intentions for 2023 in this post.

  1. Go Skiing

    I LOVE to ski. I grew up skiing most weekends as a kid but it was really hard to keep up with it after college. Now that we live close to a mountain, I want to go as much as possible this winter.

  2. Intentional Movement

    I feel better when I move my body, but I have a pretty toxic relationship with exercise. I got into a really healthy place with it right before everything shut down in 2020. The back half of 2020 and most of 2021 were rough mentally for me, but I’m feeling really good about the choices I’m making for my body. I make no set schedule, but if I feel the urge to get a workout in, I don’t think about it. I try to do at least 25-30 minutes. I like to use the elliptical, our stationary bike, and take B for long walks.

  3. Read a Book in a Day

    If you’re a loyal reader of these bucket lists, you’ll know I generally put this on every bucket list. I haven’t completed this goal in a very long time. I want to choose a weekend day and devote it to being cozy and finishing a story I can’t put down.

  4. Read three books from my TBR stack

    I chose 10 backlist titles I already own that I want to read in 2023. I’d love to get to three of them this month!

  5. Complete the Mini 1000 Writing Challenge with Jami Attenburg

    I subscribe to Jami Attenburg’s newsletter and I find a lot of writing motivation and inspiration from it. This is a challenge to write 1000 words per day January 7-12. Jami sends out little notes (emails) of encouragement and it feels like a mini weekly NaNoWriMo. I’ve never done one before but 2023 is my year for writing so I’m looking forward to it.

  6. Try 2 New Recipes

    Nick and I are trying to be way more intentional about food waste and getting into a good habit of cooking new meals. We have our tried and true favorites, plus some easy favorites from Trader Joe’s, but I love to cook when I have time. I got so many cookbooks during Barnes and Noble’s 50% off hardcover sale! Perfect time to try them out.

  7. Charge my phone outside the bedroom

    My job requires me to be on social media a lot. I hit a serious case of burn out at the end of 2022. I plan on leaving my phone outside my bedroom in the evenings so that I am not falling into the habit of scrolling first thing when I wake up or when I go to bed.

  8. Read to Sleep for at least 15 Minutes

    I’m very guilty of watching Netflix or YouTube when I can’t sleep. It’s not good for my brain or my eyes, I know. When I got my Kindle, I started reading to sleep so much more but I can be better about it.

  9. Plan a Summer Vacation/Trip

    Nick and I didn’t take a single long weekend trip or vacation in 2022. We’re trying to save for a house and we had a really busy year, but I am determined to schedule some R&R to look forward to in 2023. Whether it’s a long weekend at the lake or a week at the beach, we’re going to be intentional about it.

  10. Play Tennis one Weekend

    My best friend and I keep saying we’re going to get back into playing tennis and we still haven’t. As part of my goal for intentional, fun movement, I want to finally make this happen.

And that is what is I’m focusing on for the next 31 days! What do you think of monthly goals and bucket lists?