Review: The Lifestyle by Taylor Hahn

Thank you Knopf and Doubleday Publishing for my copy. All thoughts are my own.

Some books end up in my inbox and I immediately want to read them. Some I’m confused why the publisher thought I was the right person to send it too. And some, leave me intrigued. That was the case with The Lifestyle by Taylor Hahn. It’s an Emma retelling…with swingers. Yes, you read that right: swingers.

And you know what, I didn’t hate this book. It was entertaining, sexy, but also deeply thought provoking when it came to friendship, marriage, and what happens when we have everything that we want but not what we need.

I read this book in less than 24 hours because it kept me wanting to know how on earth this situation was going to work out. Georgina is flawed and messy but loves so hard. I’ve always felt a kinship with Emma because I used to be a huge meddler when it came to my friends’ love lives. I learned the hard way, like Emma, that you can’t protect everyone.

So I have to say, I think this book is worth the read. It won’t be for everyone, but if you can go in with an open mind and accept these characters for their flaws, I think you’ll find yourself deliciously entertained.


“Georgina Wagman has it all—a great marriage, a great job at a prestigious law firm, and great friends. She’s living the life she always wanted, and everything is perfect. Until, that is, she walks in on her husband Nathan in a compromising position with a junior associate. Georgina has a moment of crisis. But divorce is not a part of the five-year plan, so she comes up with an idea to save her marriage and recapture the spark. She and Nathan are going to become swingers.

Georgina isn’t going to embark on this adventure alone, though. Her friends Felix and Norah and their respective partners decide to tag along for the ride. They’ve got relationship woes of their own that swinging just might fix. Georgina, convinced Felix and Norah belong together, is thrilled. What better place to reignite romance between two people destined to be together than a swingers’ party? Her plan is foolproof, until she runs into a college ex at the first party. When they reconnect, Georgina will find herself torn between her head and her heart, with her very happiness hanging in the balance. Perfect for fans of Jennifer Weiner and Sophie Kinsella, The Lifestyle is a playful homage to Jane Austen's Emma Woodhouse and an outrageously fun summer read.” —Goodreads

What I Liked:

  1. The Pacing—This book is perfectly paced. I really just wanted to keep reading it!

  2. The Writing—The writing is accessible but also sophisticated. It reads as an elevated Women’s Fiction with the spunk of a Rom Com.

  3. The Tone + Stakes—It’s bold and irreverent at times but wow are the stakes HIGH. I loved how Georgina went on a journey to discover and own her sexuality and where it brought her.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. The Cover—I’m very sorry to the cover artist, but I think a different style would suit this book more and call more people to pick it up.

  2. While it didn’t bother me, I know there will be readers out there who judge these characters. Perhaps it’s the actor in me but I don’t find that productive. So, if the synopsis turns you off, I would not recommend this book because you really need to just go along for the ride.

Character Authenticity: 4.5/5 Steam Rating: 0.5/5 (Lead up + Fade to Black)

Overall Rating: 4/5

Content Warnings:
