Pages As Planes: Updated NYC

When I started the #PagesAsPlanes series back in Fall 2020 (credit to Ash for the name!) I was incredibly homesick for New York. We’d just moved and I was not happy about it. So, I let books take me there. The initial list is here! But can we talk about how my blog used to suck? Lol, Phoebe what were you thinking?!

Since then, I’ve read a LOT more books set in New York. I’m quite picky when it comes books set In NYC. Having living there for six years, I knew what it was really like. At least, my version, as everyone’s experiences are unique, but you can really tell when a writer never lived in the concrete jungle.

If you’re craving the magic of NYC—though be warned, June-August is NOT a fun time to be there—let’s let the pages take us there.

Lease on Love by Fallon Ballard

I lived in Manhattan when I lived in the city but this book made me want to pack up and move to Brooklyn. I loved this book mainly because it captures the very New York idea of found family. It’s about Sadie, who winds up losing her job and needing a new apartment when one that could be too good to be true winds up in her lap. It’s silly, romantic, doesn’t take itself too seriously, and will make you want to invest all your money in a Brownstone. Review here.

By Any Other Name by Lauren Kate

This is a book that surprised me! It’s bite sized, just around 300 pages, so you can read it in a day. But it’s a look at the publishing industry in NYC and captures so much of the reality of living there.

It Had to Be You by Georgia Clark

Georgia Clark writes ensemble stories really well and this is no exception. It feels like New York and features a diverse cast of characters, true to the nature of the city.

In a New York Minute by Kate Spencer

If you love the RomComs of the early 2000s, you will love this book. It has a classic subway meet cute and is a closed door romance for all my fans of that!

A Magical New York Christmas by Anita Hughes

While Anita Hughes’ books have been mostly misses for me, the history of the Plaza Hotel and Eloise were too good to pass up. It’s on the cheesier, Hallmarky side, but it does capture the magic of the city at the holidays.

Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey

Now if you want Hallmark After Dark, Tessa Bailey is your girl. The hero is inspired by Ted Lasso and it takes place is a Saks 5th Avenue esque store. It’s naughty and nice 😉 .

A Lot Like Adios by Alexis Daria

There is more to NYC than just Manhattan! Alexis Daris takes us to the Bronx in this friends to lovers Romance that brings the heat of a July day in NYC.

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston

Yes, the subway scene has been said to be too much for some people, but once again this book captures the found family aspect of New York City that make it a home for so many people. It’s a sapphic Romance but also as some fantasy/sci fi elements to it!

Dominicana by Angie Cruz

For fans of historical fiction, Angie Cruz’s Dominicana is a raw look at the nature of immigration and abuse during the 1960’s in Harlem.

When No One is Watching by Alyssa Cole

A thriller that tackled gentrification. I recommend this book to so many people because it was something I wish I’d been more aware of when I first moved to the city but my privilege clouded it.

Where should we go next?