Review- American Royals III: Rivals by Katharine McGee

I never use this word but Y’ALL. I finished American Royals III: Rivals last night and you’re not going to see this review for a while but…I am UNWELL. I am so torn. The reader in me is shocked, the fan in me is livid, and the writer in me is impressed. First of all, Majesty was PERFECT. I enjoyed American Royals but really only cared about Beatrice’s POV. Then the world and plot just blossomed in Majesty, since it was originally supposed to be a duology. But due to reader interest, McGee was able to secure a deal for a book three…and it seems a book four.

I think Rivals is the book that suffers from Middle Book Syndrome, trying to set up so much for the final installment, but at the expense of the characters that will anger some readers. This is so hard to do without spoilers. I haven’t been that shocked and angry reading a book in a long time but also impressed! McGee is ballsy with these characters. I AM SO TORN. I loved so many aspects but also felt it dragged yet I love the world. It’s a roller coaster, clearly.


“Beatrice is queen, and for the American royal family, everything is about to change.

Relationships will be tested.
Princess Samantha is in love with Lord Marshall Davis--but the more serious they get, the more complicated things become. Is Sam destined to repeat her string of broken relationships...and this time will the broken heart be her own?

Strangers will become friends.
Beatrice is representing America at the greatest convocation of kings and queens in the world. When she meets a glamorous foreign princess, she gets drawn into the inner circle...but at what cost?

And rivals will become allies.
Nina and Daphne have spent years competing for Prince Jefferson. Now they have something in common: they both want to take down manipulative Lady Gabriella Madison. Can these enemies join forces, or will old rivalries stand in the way?”

What I Liked:

  1. Daphne’s Character Arc—Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d type that. Although there is a moment towards the end where I facepalmed myself and was like “no no no! don’t do that!” and I still don’t know how I fully feel about it.

  2. The Expansion of the World—I’m fascinated by the history of the America with a monarchy, which lead to most other countries keeping theirs! I want more of it. Give me the historical fiction/romance, Katharine! I want it all.

  3. Action Late in the Story—It kind of felt like there was a lot of nothing until the last 17% of the book. Then I could not put it DOWN.

What Didn’t Work:

  1. Action Late in the Story—But at the same time, why did we have like 50% of the book not matter?! Make every page count or edit.

  2. Too Much Exposition/Philosophizing, not Enough Expansion of the Plot—I kept looking at the page count and knew there was no way everything could be wrapped up and while I’m sure that’s fun, UGH it’s frustrating as a reader.

Character Authenticity: 4/5 Steam Rating: N/A Overall Rating: 3.75 but 4 for the end

Content Warnings:

Blackmail, car crash, drug use