#ReadIntoSummer2022 Readathon!

Drum roll please….it’s time for the second annual #ReadIntoSummer readathon! Over this long weekend in the US, Memorial Day Weekend, I’ll be sharing reading sprints, prompts, and bookish thoughts as we kick off the best season for reading: Summer Reading! There’s just something about Summer Reading that feels nostalgic and exciting. Even though life doesn’t slow down in the same way it did when we were kids, I still feel like anything is possible.

Now as always, here are some FAQ’s:

  1. What’s a Readathon?

    It’s a dedicated amount of time where we set a book related goal! Whether it’s to finish a book over the weekend, reading for a certain amount of time uninterrupted, or finally pick up a book that’s been on your shelf for a while, you can use this time to achieve it!

  2. How do I participate?

All you have to do is read! I’ll share templates on Instagram that you can save to participate and tag me in, but all you have to do is read! That’s the most important part. Take time for yourself during a busy season to enjoy a book. Whether it’s an audiobook while gardening or taking a walk, an ebook after your kids are in bed, or a physical book with your coffee!

3, What is a Reading Sprint?

A reading sprint is one hour that we read “together.” I set them for one hour stretches so that I’m not tempted to look at my phone and see how many pages I can get through. I try to make them for mornings and evenings so that people all over the world can participate. But if a time doesn’t work for you, don’t worry about it! Just find the time for yourself.

4. What should I read?

Anything you want! But I did make a few prompts this time just in case you need a little inspiration.

Sound good?! I hope so! I get so excited for these readathons every season.

When it comes to the prompts, I truly mean read ANYTHING that fits the prompt. Graphic Novel? Cool. Fanfiction? You got it. Whether it’s a romance, YA, literary fiction, fantasy, read whatever your heart desires. The prompts are there to help you narrow down some choices but you don’t have to adhere to them.

You can download all the other templates from the Google Drive I created OR you can screenshot them on Instagram. Happy reading, my friends! I can’t wait to read with you this weekend.